On the patio at Hair of the Dog, a cheery restaurant on Church Street, toronto where Biff and David work. David came down with Biff to see Madonna in Chicago. Here he is hard at work serving the patio. Well, yes hard at work but they also had water fights all day because it's brutally hot here.

Biff and Skip.

Derek and Biff.

Mister Anchovy and Tuffy P took us out for dinner one night to The Big Ragu, near Lansdown and St.Clair. Really good food and this is the owner. I lost the business card with his name, sorry.

I love these posters for Vespa's anniversary, they are so beautiful. Stagg took this pic for Fiz.

Mister Anchovy bought a cd off this guy on the street for 10 bucks.

I love all these photos Candy!
Everyone looks so happy. I can feel the love.
Thanks for sharing.
I love your people pics too, Candy! There is so much life in them, they buzz with fun and joie de vivre. And you and your friend look like fun folks!
Who's Joey de Vivre? Doesn't he play for Argentina?.....magic pics babe. well enjoyed.
These are great pix, Candy. I love the Post No Bills one. Tiffanie and Amber are funny, too. And you and the Stagg Man seem like you're having lots of fun. Keep on taking lots. Looks like you've sorted out the problem with the flash that wouldn't turn off, too.
We are having lots of fun...I am out of shape though. And it seems impossible to lose weight while I'm here. When I took Stagg to the airport he said"I've never sat around and eaten so much for so many days." He's at home having a rest ha ha. I wonder if he will visit and let me know what that dvd is like that Mr. Anchovy bought off that guy...?
sorry i aint been round for a while. things will become clear soon. ta for the photo! nice to know i am thought about!
p.s. any naked fotos of tiffany and amber?
cor blimey!
Candy - you look great! so keep eating!
fatfiz - BITE YOUR TONGUE!! (or rather - your fingers)
I'm back home, I'll email soon, just catching up with your blog first,
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