A further significance of the number 27 can be seen in a circle drawn inside a square touching its sides. The circle is divided into twelve equal parts (12 x 30 = 360). They are named after the common zodiac signs for convenience. Then the circle is divided into 27 equal parts of 13 degrees 20 minutes (13o 20” x 27 = 3600) accommodating 27 stars per asterism. 5
Interestingly this combination of 13 and 20 is found in the Mayan calendar, referred to as the Tzolkin.! The Mayans also had a 365 day calendar, known as the Haab which intermeshed with the Tzolkin.
The most striking feature appears to be identification of the Precession of the Equinoxes, which simply put, alters the position of the star in the sky due to the spinning motion of the Earth, i.e. the celestial north Pole does not point towards the same star after a given period of time due to the wobble of the earth as it spins on its axis. The precession of the equinox appears to be the underlying theme in Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend’s masterpiece, Hamlet’s mill, as being the encoded message in myths amongst many cultures.6 Due to precession, the vernal equinox moves along the ecliptic by 1° in approximately 72 years. Coincidentally, the number of temples built around Angkor Wat is 72! The Chatur-yuga, 4,320,000 years is related to the precessional cycle, 25,867 years corresponding to a precession of 50.1 arc-seconds per year. This is amazingly close to the normally accepted value of 50.2 arc-seconds for the precessional constant."
from Subra Narayan
From Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time
String theories ,however, have a bigger problem: they seem to be consistent only if space-time has either ten or twenty-six dimensions, instead of the usual four! Of course extra space-time dimensions are a commonplace of science fiction; indeed, they are almost a necessity, since otherwise the fact that relativity implies that one cannot travel faster than light means that it would take far too long to travel between stars and galaxies. The science fiction idea is that maybe one can take a shortcut through a higher dimension. One can picture this in the following way.

Imagine that the space we live in has only two dimensions and is curved like the surface of an anchor ring or torus. If you were on one side of the inside edge of the ring and you wanted to get to a point on the other side, you would have to go round the inner edge of the ring. However, if you were able to travel in the third dimension, you could cut straight across.
Poetry and Physics
My brain hurts. Let me have a drink and come back later....
Go ahead and say it. I know it. Say it. I'm a geek. My goal is to rewrite this shit so it is very very accessible. Wish me luck. Um, and I love reading stuff like this, sad really....
Very interesting post Candy … whenever I see the precession of the equinox mentioned I always think about the wonderful song by the fifth dimension – toasting that it is the dawning of the age of Aquarius … the only problem is that the age of Aquarius doesn’t start till 2590 … well I guess it is a long dawn. http://www.kazmaslanka.com/just_zodiac.html
Oh, these are such lovely comments to read.
Kaz, the precessions are like the metaphor of aquarius...but what is incredible in so many ancient stories is that the precession is being referenced...aquarius or not. People were aware of this activity and it inspired their story telling and nightly activities and ancient religions: which were based on science. I was curious about what you might have thought or come across regarding numbers, stars and myths/poetry...they always seem to be in the same laundry hamper.
Pie, I am very pleased you like this stuff, ha ha about drinkign and getting all worked up about ideas! these kinds of things make me feel drunk. but god help anyone who is with me when I get a buzz on and want to talk about stars, literature, mythology and storytelling...I find so many people are not interested in these aspects of human life and life on earth...say what, we'll keep it our little secret!
Right. Had a few beers and came back. I thought we had an age of Aquarius when I was a little lad? Seem to remember a garbage song about it with some strange dancers on TV. Are we having another then in 2590? I'll give it a miss ta. Caz just finished a Stephen Hawkings book and said I'd like it. I've been giving it a wide berth as it sits on the bookshelf daring me. I'll grit me teeth n give it a go now. Cheers Minxie
Precessions? I only know of one precession and that is the “precession of the equinox” If you were here in San Diego I would do a wobbling earth dance to show you how the precession works. Metaphors have to be accurate to be communicated. That is the problem with tropical astrology … the metaphors are all goofed up due to the precession knocking the ephemeris off its correct calendar by about 20 days. The only true Astrology is the “Verus astrology” system, which accurately plots the zodiac. Example look outside tonight and you will notice Jupiter is in the cusp of Libra and Virgo However, if you run a tropical astrology chart today for a child born on this day you will find that Jupiter is in Scorpio! The fact that everyone ignores this is very troubling to me for I am a firm believer in keeping metaphors accurate. The less accurate the language the less communication takes place. What we have is the whole foundation of Astrology has slipped out from underneath our feet and everyone sees the emperor with his cloths on. ooops looks like y'all pushed one of my buttons :)
Four dinners, good luck on Hawking!
Hey, great to see your buttons pushed there Kaz, and fascinating about the difference of activity affecting the metaphors, that is very cool info. You've made a terrific example for me.
And 4Dins, also good luck with Hawking, it's work, but it's worth it.
It seems like if you COULD cut straight across, it's still a LONG WAYS TO GO. Almost as far as the CURVED line. Does the distance represent time OR distance. Or are they both the same thing really?
I think the diagram should show a DNA helix shape maybe. It seems like you might be able to skip a long ways with a short line that way, and they would be more random and less linear.
It's been simplified so we can understand the concept, but it's like trying to decide to take bayview or the DVP, not a huge difference!! ha ha...
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