1) On The Lot. Can't wait reality show about film making.
2)Pirate Master also a reality show, also produced by Mark Burnett (Survivor.)
3) Camille Paglia is back at Salon.net. Yippee. she always gets a pulse going whether you agree with her or not.
4) Project Runway. And The Closer
5) Against The Day by Thomas Pynchon, I haven't cracked it 1,085 pgs yet.
6) Wylie has a book she wrote on sale today. I am about to order a copy.
7) The beach.
8) B.b.q.'s.
9) Drinking margeritias on an outdoor patio beside the river.
10) Magazines. I love reading magazines in a shade in a park. With a huge bottle of water and a snack.
11) The lower cost and availability of berries and vegetables. I'm crazy for berries.
12) Walking downtown without winter coat...people watching.
13) My boyfriend's holidays.
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I'm with you on 7-11!!!
Hey Candy,
I'm with you on #1, #2 has me wary (not sure why), #4 - I haven't seen either, #6 - Aw, shucks, thanks, but seriously Ms Minx, my novella is not up to your normal standard of literature. Please spare yourself the eye rolling :) I'm just flattered to be mentioned. #7,8,9 - Oh yeah!, but substitute margarita for a glass of pinot noir and river for pond. #12 - I hope you meant 'walking' cause I'm picturing waking on a park bench with an empty margarita glass :)
oops...I did mean walking! I better fix that ha !
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