We're still making our way through Apartment Theory: The Cure, you can see one copy on the table in these pics....and one of the exercises was to buy fresh flowers. My own personal theory is that vodka makes housework much more therapuetic.
So here are the things needed to make yogourt with an electric heating pad. I saw this on Letterman with alton Brown...so put in milk warmed to 120 degrees, and added some organic yogourt, put on the lid, wrapped the container with the heating pad, put it inside a basket to hold it in place for 12 hours. (Alton Borwn used a hotel waste basket to show you could make yogourt on road trips, very clever)
Unfortunately...I did not realize that the heating pad had a safety feature that shut it off after 2 hours. Oh well...back to the drawing board...
LOL! You make me laugh :-)
This is the first I've heard about home yogout making since about 1977. Awesome! I like yogourt a lot and I love the idea of making it in a hotel waste basket. Hotel yogourt for breakfast, grilled cheese for dinner.
I love yogurt but I dont think I could do the organic. I need flavor to mine..lol.. hope when you figure it out its good..
Hey, then my job is done!
Mr. A, yeah, I love this guy's ideas...he likes to find ways to make food with special appliances for each project. unfortunately...the heating pad turned off after two hours in the middle of the night. have to find a different heating pad I guess.
Tweetey, you can add thingss like maple syrup or fresh grown fruit to homemade yogourt. Maple syrup IS organic! (unless it's that crap which is just flavoured water with sugar...)
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