Reverend Patti Nakai was a guest speaker in Toronto during her attendance at the Parliament of World Religions. I was very excited to see this sister temple to ours in Chicago.
Reverend Patti was too tiny for the microphone and dais so the Toronto minister helped get her situated.
This building was built in 2006, the same year as the Chicago building I attend.
The temple has a "child room" where one can be with an infant or sit here and not worry about making noise. They have an audio feed of services as well as a tv monitor with close ups of services. It's very snazzy!
I enjoyed seeing their library and study area. This temple has a much bigger congregation than Chicago, more people attend too.
Another view from the above quiet room.
Because I do a lot of stuff with the kitchen in Chicago I was keen to look at the kitchen set up in Toronto. It is fabulous!
Friends of Reverend Patti and her husband Gary. Everyone told me how lucky we were to have her as a minister and Gary as such a hands on person at the Chicago temple. Yes we are!
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