Okay, when I paint, I get restless. I get thinking and roam, and restless. I am more productive when I paint than any other time. Yesterday I did four loads of laundry.It's like I am looking for distraction... Today, I will probably do at least three loads. I'm even doing pillows and duvet. That's how much I start to look for any reason to wander and escape painting. Even though I love it. It's weird thing. I get all furious and busy painting, but then it confronts me somehow and I land up looking for excuses to do something else...

I need to find something else to do. Get out of the house.

I know, I'll take some pictures of our cool alley. That will keep me out of the studio.

Ok, I made it to coffee shop, Beans and Bagels. The gods honest truth is, I would have gone to the bar, Scott's, but it's not open yet. These guys are so nice here and the coffee is good! I'm really working on my stalling, but I forgot to ask them their names.

Now I'm having something to eat. Salmon and butter burnt cabbage. Yum! Um, I freaked I just saw The Corporation, sure I read No Logo, by Naomi Klein, I am cool, but I just saw this movie. I freaked on Stagg, he already saw this movie ages ago...how can you buy this crap milk it has cow hormone growth shit in it. Now we need to find organic milk here. It's against the law to put that shit in Canadian cows.

We found this in alley in the garbage. Slowly painting it, I hate wood used for furniture and left with the grain. Some wood is okay, but most of it should be painted. I know, wood is trendy, whatever. I like wood on trees. But it's closing in the studio. I'm kind of neurotic, I don't even like other art in the room, I prefer plain walls while I work. The tv is okay though, heh heh.

Some of the papers I have glued together to make this big sheet of paper as
canvas" say things like "What do you like to read, Escape, Now you can buy a painting sculpture...from a refurbished cigarette machine..., Yeah yeah yeahs latest a disappointing...

I wash paint brushes compulsively when I get into the state of deep thinking about what the hell am I doing, and then how can I get away...okay wash brushes clean clean complulsive...clean brushes, what is the meaning of life, what am I painting this for??? and how can I get out of it...

All right now I'm going for the chocolate fix. There I was eating that delicious healthy choice salmon for lunch. But now, after a return trip to Beans and Bagels...I need Chocolate. This is the sweetest most lovely chocolate place. I would have got a chocolate bar, but they are a lame selection at corner store. it's tought o find good chocolate. So Margie's it is. I'm going to get terrapins Really fresh pecans in their knock off Turtles. I am hoping because its pricey its organic chocolate. I have to get to a health food store and get organic milk, cheese and chocolate. Or get vegan! Help!

I don't know. I just can't keep hanging out around here painting. I'm going crazy now.

I formulate a brilliant plan. Go to neighbourhood bar, Scott's. It's friendly, I can take in second hand smoke, and watch Ellen and read some magazines that have been kicking around the house for a few days. An alternate review and POSITIVE of Yeah yeah yeahs in SPIN. Excellent fun article in Premiere about top 100 roles in film. I was surprised Malcolm McDowell was the 100th for Clockwork orange, would have expected that to be in top ten. Other roles listed were (I'm a sucker for a list) #91 was Jane Fonda for Klute. #68 Cary Grant for Brining Up Baby. #61 Ralph Fiennes for Shindlers List. #48 for Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. #34 for Buster keaton in The General.#27 Marlon Brando in Last Tango In Paris. #16 Cary Grant in Notorious. #7 Dustin Hoffman in Midnight Cowboy (he also made it for Tootsie#33.) # 3 Meryl Streep for Sophie's Choice and # 2 Marlon Brando for On the Waterfront. No I'm not going to tell you what number 1 is...guess.

Oops, I am not used to taking pictures with this camera in the dark. Thats my leg after one beer. I moved too quickly with the camera....meant to take this instead...

There is always some new art exhibited here at Scott's in Chicago.

This is Dan, he's so nice. He's making me a drink someone else at the bar ordered me a drink. I am going to be loaded when I get home. I change from beer to gin and tonic. It's spring. Someone else at the bar buys me a drink. Uh oh. I love this bar. It's a neighbourhood gay bar and they go all out for customer satisfaction.

I don't know why, but the back of our building inspires me. It could be the drinks.

More glue. Some fashion t-shirts.

Some kind of resolve, thats about it. Giordano's Memory-done!
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