Thursday, March 19, 2009


...and he can dance too...


Malcolm said...

When I saw this post in my sidebar, I just knew it was a reference to Gilles. He is quickly turning into a fan fave.

Candy Minx said...

That's funny Malcolm.

I have never phoned in to any of these shows and voted. I am sorely loving this season so far...he is GORGEOUS!

I also loved Belinda, sad to see her go. Some pretty good dancers though this season, the olympic chick, the bachelor chick, even the jackass guy is pretty good.

* (asterisk) said...

I'm glad Steve-O didn't go, cos it would have been a shame given that he hopes to be back and fit next week. But I fear he's not long for that game!

* (asterisk) said...

Also, I think they badly undermarked Jewel's hubby Ty, didn't you think?

Candy Minx said...

*, I'm enjoying Steve-O...I wonder if he's soon to go I can imagine a lot of guys voting for him. Yes, they totally went medieval on Ty's score...a little extreme.

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