Saturday, February 26, 2022

Moss Hunting Scene From No Country For Old Men


I feel like I learned so much about rifles used for snipers and the holsters used...or NOT used! Wallis got into the scene with a microscopic details. Fabulous presentation...and I feel like I was a small part of it.

Here is a still I included in my film...identifying the date of the movie NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. By using the date on the telephone bill, and the time references in the movie...I was able to acertain that Moss dies on Friday the 13th 1980 

Wallis realized when I found the date, June 5, put Moss as a poacher. Hunting season in Texas is not in June! Did the text inform that? Is it an accident? A flaw in the story...or was Moss poaching? a video presentation I did four years ago. Wallis had seen this and the part where I identified the time setting of the movie...the time of the hunting scene...was useful to his presentation and his own writing on the weapons of McCarthy.

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