After the Pow Wow, we went for margeritias and then pizza and salad at Marc and Deana's. Before we ate, it was time for the small family members to eat. They used to scrap with each other, so Deana found a solution. Naughty mats? Just like Supernanny! She places 2 squares of paper towel side by side and the cats walk onto the towels and place their front paws on them. Then they are served and they eat peacefully. Aren't they adorable! I t was nice for me to get a cat fix.
Sometimes, the simplest ideas are the best! Adorable picture :-)
Now if you had one like our Holly it just wouldn't work like that. Lights are on but nobody's home
I'm really not a fan of cats but I have fallen in love with one that lives up the road. I've worked out it's deaf. (It's the special needs teacher in me!).
That's so cute and interesting! I never thought that cats would pay attention to such details, I guess when it comes to food, they notice!
How on earth did she train the cats to do that? I suppose it's too late for mine now...
Cats rock! Good to see some over here, Candy Minx. And lovin' that you're lovin' Supernanny, too. We find it's a great contraceptive!
Cats are always gorgeous and often amusing. I don't see ours buying into the naughty mat idea, but I think it's so cool that these two are appeased by it!
I love the mats...perfect cat psychology.
Yes, it's so cute. If I didn't see the cats put their paws on the little squares of paper I wouldn't have believed it myself!
I miss having cats around so it was a real delight to hold them and watch them. They are just lovely personalities too!
Ha! What a great idea! Our boys eat out of the same container and there's always food in it (it's big).
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