Art for sale on eBay is really tricky...yes there are categories but it is also delightfully democratic...which means you need to really keep on lookingto find the kinds of things you'd like to hang in your house.
Do you buy art? These are 13 questions that interest me. I would love to know what you think about art, what art you decorate or collect for your home:
1) Do you buy art from local artists?
2) Do you go to galleries?
3) Do you talk about art history with your children?
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch?
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home?
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas?
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work?
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern?
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy?
11) Did you own or read artists or history books?
12) Did you take art in high school?
13) Did you take any art in college?

Dog Portrait
WOW!!!!!!Check this out!!! I was pretty blown away by these prices for these paintings. If they are half as good as they look in these tiny photos, these are the deals of the century. You could make a room really look cool with these I bet. Um, I couldn't figure out what size they were though.
Just plain fun portraits
I wish this person has large work listed Lots of potential, but they are all small.
Well, of course I'm going to link my eBay stuff These are about 25 drawings and paintings I made and have listed this week.
Some of these are cool

Worth sorting through There are some good things in this page...especially the bottle cap chain and the Canadian waterfall painting

Some gentle conservative paintings?

Woodcut anyone, awesome price!
I love this posted just below, cute bunnies and with.

Brilliant!!!! This guy Justin might be my very favourite, posted right below...NICE!

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Hi Candy! Of course I will participate!
1) Do you buy art from local artists? Yes
2) Do you go to galleries? Yes
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? Yes - I even taught it in their classrooms
4) Do you buy factory paintings? yes - I bought lovely tiles at a store last year.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? Yes and no. They can't clash - Ilive in CT after all.
6) How much have you spent on art work for your home? I have no idea
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? i have no favorite. It's what strikes me. I have a rather bland eclectic mix.
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? Not my friends. But the ladies in my organizations maybe. Ugh 0- peer pressure
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 2
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? some of the more conservative paintings
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? Yes
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes
13) Did you take any art in college? No
Hey Pickled Olives thanks a lot!!! I really appreciate you taking the time. Um, and I learned something already...that I should rephrase or qualify question #6...so thank you!!!
I glued a factory painting to a big panel I'm working on the other night. It has a nice red cottage in it and I'm sure it will make my painting more attractive.
1 No.
2 No.
3 No.
4 No.
5 Yes.
6 Percentage of what? I spend very little for artwork less than 1% of my income.
7 No. Landscapes.
8 No.
9 0.
10 Canadian Waterfall.
11 No.
12 Yes.
13 No.
Quickie demographics, I am a single male homeowner with some college and work in a techincal field. Hope that helps.
My Thursday Thirteen #35 13 Old Wives Tales Edition. Stop by if you get a chance.
Fabulous post!
The art on the walls is all from my dad.
I used to bring art to the elementary schools so they could see them. We don't have art in our schools here.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š
See, no art in the schools...that completely freaks me out Raggedy!!! How wonderful to have art made by family and dad!
Dane thanks for stopping by..I love that Canadian waterfall pic too.
Mister Anchovy sounds pretty funky and adventurous I hope you post a pic of that new painting!
Wow, what a wonderful (and gorgeous!) TT. Thanks for posting the artwork -- it's a real treat for the eyes.
Thank you for your kind comments about my TT list, and yes, I'd be happy to answer your questions! :)
1) Do you buy art from local artists? -- yes, when possible
2) Do you go to galleries? -- yes, when possible
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? -- don't have children, but I talk about all kinds of things with my cats ;)
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. -- sometimes, if I like them
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? -- nope! ;) contrast can be beautiful. :)
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? -- not a whole lot, but we have to watch the ol' budget
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? -- my faves are abstract, surrealism, and the impressionists
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? -- not a bit; I like what I like and that's all she wrote ;)
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? -- with 1 being unconcerned? I guess I'd have to say 1, then.
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? -- I liked them all but my fave is the painting with the bunnies
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? -- yes, including photography, too (Ansel Adams)
12) Did you take art in high school? -- yes
13) Did you take any art in college? -- yes, in fact for a short time I considered majoring in art and took drawing in perspective and painting classes
Happy TT, and thank you for visiting my blog! I like your blog very much and will be back. :)
Thomma Lyn, thank you. I found your answers very interesting...and I think it is a real issue for all of us how much we can afford or not to buy art. I was very impressed with the reasonable prices on these art works from eBay...I should have posted the prices I suppose. I love the witch and bunnies too, a lot!
Note: This is from a confessed hillbilly...
1) Do you buy art from local artists? I would if I liked it, maybe...
2) Do you go to galleries? Sometimes
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? Yes (home school)
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch?
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home?
Not much, I am a "value" shopper...
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? Not all the time, but normally...
What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas?
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work?
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern?
1??? I want 0 though...
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy?
I like the dog; it has a flowing look that I think is attractive. However, I wouldn't hang it anywhere... Not for any other reason than I like it, but not enough? I like the waterfall painting, but it doesn't have enough "symmetry" for my taste. The others look to much like something I could do, and I am not an artist…
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? Yes
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes
13) Did you take any art in college? Yes
1) If I can afford it, yes.
2) Yes, I love to!
3) I don't have children, but I would if I did.
4) Rarely.
5) Yes.
6) We still have to take care of that!
7) I like all kinds of art, but I prefer landscape and figurative.
8) No, they know me and my taste in art.
9) 2
10) Dog Portrait
11) Yes, a lot!
12) No, we didn't have the opportunity to do so.
13) No, we didn't have the opportunity to do so.
Thanks for visiting my T13!
Candy... Art is kind of a luxury for us... I know what I love to see and what I would enjoy... but have never invested in any.... I am into landscapes and still from real life. I am definitely not into abstracts. At the moment the only art that adorns our house is Christiana's, my 5 year olds...
Yes i have missed seeing you around... Thankx for the visit...
Oh, very cool.
1. At least half the time. It started when we "discovered" a local artist when we first lived here: Wolfgang Kerp. He closed his gallery last year due to poor health, sadly.
2. Occasionally.
3. Er. No--I don't know any art history.
4. No.
5. No.
6. It's hard to say. The most expensive was one of Kerp's originals, at just under $1000, but that was seriously splurging--an anniversary present for us.
7. I'm not a big fan of any one style--it's just a matter of what strikes me. We've got everything from black and white architectural photographs to abstract oil paintings, to folk art sculptures to surrealistic paintings to...
8. LOL No. My mother-in-law commented (complained?) that our house looked like a museum, we had so much art sitting around.
9. Zero.
10. In this post? Just the pictures, not the links: I wasn't fond of the dog or the waterfall. The chain and the bunnies and the robot were my favorites. The others weren't bad.
11. No.
12. *groan* one semester. The teacher had us making construction paper placemats like you do in kindergarten. I wasn't impressed.
13. No.
when my husband had that dotcom job in the Silicon Valley in 2000 we went to several of the street fairs where local artists showcased their work. I bought a couple of prints. I was starting to get interested in thinking about the art I would hang on the walls of the house we would buy once his company went public...never happened.
art and music are two of the subjects that still intimidate me. I know what I like but I can't explain why.
luckily there are a lot of resources online that could help me close these two gaps. i've been making note of those i run across for closer perusal after April 6. Your blog and its sidebar is one resource i've noted.
meanwhile i'm still obsessing on the April 6 closure of our libraries.
my #26 is 13 of the items vying for my attention in the last nine days before our library’s doors close indefinitly. 4 NF books, 4 novels and 4 DVDS plus #13 which is a bit of a cheat. I can only hope to complete two novels, help me decide which one to commit to
Hey Candy, keep us posted on your ebay adventure. I hope you can find homes for all those fantastic paintings!!
1) Do you buy art from local artists? - I buy art from local artists in places that I visit, if I like it.
2) Do you go to galleries? - on occassion
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? - no kids
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. - nope
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? - I care if it matches my decor in general
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? - I just bought some 450 dollar paintings
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? - I like softer strokes, impressionists, things I can tell what it is.
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? - nope, don't care
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 1
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? - I liked the dog pic
11) Did you own or read artists or history books?
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes - I really enjoyed it
13) Did you take any art in college? Does Architecture count as art? I think so.
2) Yes. Especially the Hirshorn and National Gallery in D.C.
4) No
5) No
6) Not much. Most of it is in the framing!
7) I have no interest in realism. That's what cameras are for. :)
8) If my co-workers don't like it, I know i'm on the right track.
9) negative 3
10) I like the one at the top.
11) I have a book on Pollock and one on Rothko
12 & 13) No
I have three prints hanging in my living room from the galleries I have visited. A Rothko over the fireplace, a Diebenkorn over the TV and a Pollock over the couch. I'm more interested in the color contrasts than the subject matter.
My answers are going to suck. I never took art in college, and we don't buy art. The only things I have hanging up right now are cross-stitch projects I made myself and some pictures of the kids. I would like to buy art, but I have no taste! I have no idea what's good or not, and I don't want people cringing when they see my latest purchase.
1) Do you buy art from local artists? Yes, when Ihave money and I use people's birthdays, holidays, etc. as an excuse as well to buy local art. When I am broke and I see art to die for, I make a choice in my head and put it in one of my collections in my brain.
2) Do you go to galleries? Oh yes!
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? My youngest grandchild is the only one who cares and he's a captive audience.
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No, but sometimes loved ones buy them for me and I'm stuck.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? Not if I really like the piece of art. However, I have two tropical botanicals my daughter gave me (furnitue store variety) hanging over my purple couch though because they look good there. Again, a gift. Otherwise, I would probably have some wild colorful piece from someone hanging there.
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? I'm a bargain hunter - prefer new and local artists and art from people I know (Expensive art - I crave a Chihully) - probably $3,000 over my lifetime. But most of my younger days were concentrated on just feeding and clothing my kids. Thankfully some artists do "layaway" or "payments." Do I count the creation of my own and the costs of materials as well?
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? No, as one of your commentors said, that's what cameras are for. Although I do have 3 limited prints of Vivi Crandall (western wildlife artist) because of my love for wildlife. (I have more artwork than I can hang or place - unless someone wants to help me figure it out)
What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? I don't have a favorite
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? Noooooooooooooo (Well, I, take that back, I wouldn't hang anything in our general shared areas they absolutely hated here or at work.) But as far asa my taste - NO!
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? As far as my taste being criticized - "0", but as far as displaying my art in a shared space with others - I would have a high level of concern, as there are things I would not want to have to look at every day if I hated them.
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? The top one and the bottom one.
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? Yes, big books including Kahlo, DaVinci, Women Artists, Art Techniques, and many more. I loved the films about Basquiet and - oh dear - my memory is grasping - the guy that draml a lot and did huge paintings with marvelous splatters - oh dear - too much stress today - can't think
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes (as pitiful as it was then)
13) Did you take any art in college? Oh, yes - finally went back for two year degree - would like to do more....
1) Do you buy art from local artists? No, the only art I have was given to me as presents
2) Do you go to galleries? Not usually
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? No kiddos
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? Not really
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? very little, the pictures to be printed and cheap frames, others gifts
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? I am not big into paintings personally
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? I guess, but to each his own
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 3
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? I liked the doggie painting
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? No
12) Did you take art in high school? No
13) Did you take any art in college? No
Thank you all for taking the time to let me know some of the things about art and our homes. This is so fascinating to me and I am really pleased with reading all these very intense thoughtful answers.
I would respond to each set of comments but I think it's even better if I read through them and study them a bit more.
I see a variety of feelings about what we hang on the walls of our houses and yet everyone here seems to have a solid even enthusiastic response in general about art, whether they like it or not. It's tough because art makes us feel like it's personal and we are valid in feelings of confidence or insecurity about commiting to images and art in our own houses.
Thank you al so so much...this was a bigger set of responses than I expected and I need a bit of tiem to process them all and absorb. I really appreciate the insight you gave in your answers and thoughts!!!!
I actually feel inspired to do a bigger span of survey in the future from all your answers. Maybe like go to a mall and downtown to get responses-incredible!
Hi hon! Love your list. Here are the answers to your questions.
1) I have once or twice before. It depends on what catches my eye.
2) Sometimes. I like to wander around and I find that hard with my kids these days. :)
3) No, but I encourage them to watch a series of kids movies that air Sundays on our TV about artists in history. They mix in stories with facts and makes these people come to life. My girls really enjoy them.
4) Only when we had our business and needed things for the walls cheaply.
5) No, but I've been known to pick out matching paint for my walls. :)
6) Very little. A lot of my artwork has been gifts from a family member. I do buy a lot of quits, masks, and "stuff".
7) I love realism. Paintings that tell a story. Woodhouse is one of my favourites.
8) Naw. I write erotic romance. Artwork is the least of my worries. :)
9) 1
10) The bunnies!
11) No *blush*
12) Yes, and I was told I was quite good. Not sure why I never followed up with it.
13) No. Wish I had though.
1) Do you buy art from local artists? No
2) Do you go to galleries? No
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? No
4) Do you buy factory paintings? Sometimes... These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? Kinda
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? Not very much
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? It all depends on my mood
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? Not really
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 2
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? All of them
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? No
12) Did you take art in high school? No
13) Did you take any art in college? No
1. No
2. Every once in a great while.
3. N/A
4. NO
5. Yes. Everything needs to tie-in.
6. Um, probably thousands.
7. Realism, definitely.
8. Nope.
9. 0
10. The Dog Portrait is cute.
11. Many, many. I have a degree in it.
12. Yep. But mainly studied on my own.
13. Majored in art.
Great blog, I know so little!
1) Do you buy art from local artists? No
2) Do you go to galleries? No
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? No
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. Yes
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? No
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? $2500.00
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? I like landscape of Italy and Tuscany my art is of wine and food and where one would eat food and wine. Lots of that in my house.
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? They know I love wine and cheese and think I will flee the country
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 0
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? I thought the dog was a real snap shot
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? never
12) Did you take art in high school? Failed
13) Did you take any art in college? No college
My home is not complete without art.
I purchase anything that appeals to me - usually from the artist, him/herself.
I like all media and have never chosen anything to go with my sofa.
Each bit of art has a story behind it; they become capsules of memories and sensations.
I purchase art to please myself.
You might want to look at some of my past postings concerning art, history, poetry, and kite-flying!
First thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog. And credit for the picture goes to www.Oliverray.ca. Great questions. I've answered to the best of my ability.
1. Yes, usually when we have our street festivals.
2. Yes.
3. My oldest son is an art major, and cartoonist.
4. Not really, unless you include places like Pier Imports, well actually I just purchased wood scupltures from there.
5. Depends on what I'm getting out of that particular piece of art. Sometimes, there's more to art then coordinating with the furniture. If it could take away from the piece, no.
6. I can't really say, although I did buy a couple of nice paintings from a street painter in Haiti, several years ago.
7. Abstract first, because it seems unimhibited, but I like others as well.
8. No
9. 0
10. The "Wow check this out!!! one
11. Yes.
12. Yes.
13. NO.
1) Do you buy art from local artists? No
2) Do you go to galleries? Not often
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? I don't have any children, but i would
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? A little bit, not the couch as much as the house.
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? 0%
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? Probably prefer more or less realism
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? Yes, so they see that my taste is better than theirs
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 7
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? That chain looking thing is pretty cool
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? yes both
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes but i was expelled
13) Did you take any art in college? Yes plenty
1) Do you buy art from local artists? Very occasionally.
2) Do you go to galleries? Yes.
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? I don't have any children.
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? No, I think if I had a really precious painting I would design the room around the art.
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? Nothing at the moment as I've run out of wall space. Also I get given things.
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? Yes, I like realism - landscape and figurative.
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? No.
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 0
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? The dog.
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? yes both
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes
13) Did you take any art in college? No.
Oh, I filled this in yesterday, but I've just realized it didn't post. Grrrr, bummer.
1) Do you buy art from local artists? I don't really buy art.
2) Do you go to galleries? Rarely.
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? No kids; talk with the wife sometimes, though.
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? No. But it's a nice bonus!
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? Very little.
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? I like all styles of art, probably ultimately favouring pop or surrealism, maybe...
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? Nope!
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? Um, that's a big fat zero.
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? The dog. And the chain.
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? Yes. A few books on individual artists (van Gogh, Warhol, Allen Jones, Gaugin, Gil Elvgren), as well as a few on art history and lots of tattoo books.
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes.
13) Did you take any art in college? I didn't go to college, but probably would not have taken art if I had gone.
These comments and the time everyone has taken to answer them are just overwhelming and incredible...thank you so much.
I am sorry that blogger was acting up yesterday and some of you lost your comments.
I am so inspired by these answers, that 1) I've copied them into a word file and 2) I am thinking of taking this basic premise to a mall with a handy cam and interviewing families.
Thank you so so much! I may also repeat this set of questions later on amy blog inh hopes of gathering more insight.
Thanks everybody!!!
1) Do you buy art from local artists? If by local you mean the USA at large, then yes.
2) Do you go to galleries? Yes, though not so much recently. The fault is mine.
3) Do you talk about art history with your children? I do, but the little critters do not understand plain english. No matter, as long as they are being petted they will listen to anything.
4) Do you buy factory paintings? These are what one would find at Superwarehouse Furniture stores. No, I do not.
5) Do you care if your art work matches your couch? No, I don't think in quite that way. On the other hand, it wouldn't be my couch if I bought a painting that fundamentally was opposed to the couch. If you know what I mean. (And I can't blame you if you don't.)
6) What percentage aprox. do you or have you spent on art work for your home? Percentage of what? Of net income? I have no idea. I have purchased several pieces I would consider moderately dear, but nothing in the Sotheby's league. I almost bought a Wolf Kahn once and I still long to shepherd one or more of his works. It was something in excess of $100,000, can't remember now just how much but I chickened out.
7) Do you prefer realism over other genres of painting? What is your favourite kind of art:landscape, figurative, abstract, pop, surrealism perhpas? I don't really care about this type of thing. Either work speaks to me or it doesn't. I love Henry Moore sketches as much as I love John Currin as much as I love Edward Hopper and Pierre Bonnard and Leger and Mondrian. I suppose my favorite painter, in a way, is George Tooker.
8) Do you have concern with what your friends, family or co-workers will think about your taste in art work? No.
9) On a scale of 1-10 what level of concern? 0.
10) What work posted here did you perhaps enjoy? I confess I did not really find the posted work of interest. (Though that dog looks like a fine fellow.)
11) Did you own or read artists or history books? Yes, of course. Too many to mention.
12) Did you take art in high school? Yes.
13) Did you take any art in college? Visual arts? No.
You ask so many questions!
We don't buy art. I have three kids and they suck us dry. My art consists of photos of them or something they drew at school.
I would love to be able to draw, but I cannot draw anything. No art for me in school.
Someday I hope to support local artists.
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