This was started in the fall last year and then stuffed into a corner of the studio. This is the first week or so I worked on it...up until this past weekend when I dragged the poor thing up off the floor onto the studio wall.

I've had several ideas for titles for this painting. Honestly, I usually start with a title before I even start to paint. Not always but usually I have some theme or idea or series of words and meanings. I love titles with anything to do with goddesses and astronomy or nature well, there may or may not be repeated themes. I can't say at this moment. But I thought hey...how about somebody else coming up with a title for this one? I loved making a painting at the request of
* when he wanted drips going UP the painting instead of down...and made Asterisk's Brew. If you get a chance...look over "the making of" this painting and let me know if you have an idea for a title...will ya huh?

Stagg did this drawing about 8 months ago and I started to glue it into this idea for a painting. I added the paint colours and just started patching several pieces of paper and drawing in my studio together.

I was like Lucille Ball in the studio last week. I was crouched on the floor and using a gesso which is a clear kind of acrylic paint we use to "glue" things and colllage. I grabbed the gallon and it was heavier than I thought...spilled all over my legs, the floor and my ROBE! So I had to strip off run around and soak things, madly start new colllage and grab mags and paper because this stuff is not cheap and now it was all over the floor. And my robe. It all worked out though. Soaked my robe all weekend. Soaking is, I have found the secret to cleaning clothes.

After watching the movie CRASH a while ago...and all the burning cars in that film, I thought I feel like doing some paintings of burning cars. This weekend we watched SYRIANA, which Stagg hadn't seen. I was dying to talk to him about it. It was a lot easier for me to follow this movie second time around...it wasn't as intimidating as when I saw it last summer. (I had to go to Wikipedia and read the plot outline and spoilers after seeing it, I was like, what? and you may recall...depressed for about a week!) We watched MUNICH last night. I wasnot expecting to like it and at first, I felt I can't watch a whole movie aout this hostage hijacking thing...but the movie was gorgeous looking. Lots of doc style hand held camera work, incredible film used and cinematography. I think it was too long at three hours, but it turned out to be a spy film and fascinating. Paired with SYRIANNA on the same weekend it was a great double bill.

I need to do a little shout out for Regis, he's going to have heart bypass surgery this week. Doesn't he
look cool in these photos, I love him so much much he's gives me a morning smile...I've watched his morning show for ages..twenty years.

Stagg getting ready for boy's night out. He's giving his buddy some cds. I'm going to blare music and work some more on this painting tonight while he is out.

I have a new favourite drink...it tastes part sour part like fruit and is an energy drink and boy does it
pack a wollop! I was attracted to the packaging and that the labels said it was raw food. It gives raw power. Yes that is a roasted whole chicken, it came out great super moist. I make a roast chicken almost every week. Hassle free and then I use the bones for soup stock. We always have soup in the house.

Okay...this is now very close to being finished. I will wait to finish this painting hoping someone will will come up with some ideas for a title. I will think about the best suggested title, the person who suggested it as I finish this painting. Then I will post the best title idea with the finished painting...
my artistic inspiration is all sapped out. Maybe call it "heros" because it looks like the paintings that the guy on the show does to predict the future. :)
Fast Hot Car!
Firey TRue Lies
Meridian Sunset!
Hey - your commentary inspired me...
the painting has a little bit of everything - Stagg's drawings, inspiration from a movie, some celestial bits, BLOG, flames,...
How about
I like the colours, but it's such a mix, and I swear my brain is fried. It takes me forever to title on of my manuscripts.
I like Christine's suggestion.
Also, I'm on that Test the Nation with Wylie and Christine and I have been studying grammar so all I can think of is GERUND, which is an 'ing' word.
It's better than the other thought going through my mind off of Wylie's blog and that's Pace of Asses. Why do I picture people at the gym instead of the actual animal.
Good luck with the title search. Glad to see you blogging regularly again.
Wow, impressive! Suggestions... hmmm...
Crashes to Ashes
Trash Boom Bang
Flames of Chaos
Nah.. you'll find a better title.
How about Regis's Revenge or The Philbin Phlip. Just a thought.
I read about Regis this morning and felt sad. I hope everything turns out okay for his surgery. I used to watch him all through university.
whatever you call it, it's a good one!
Hi Candy. The painting's looking cool. Well, here's my title suggestion for you:
s'what I see anyroad
I suck horribly at coming up with titles.
But OMG, your robe? Is this the robe that was nearly lost forever with your luggage? Something's up with that.
Hmmm. Maybe the two are connected. Maybe once you figure out why your robe is in danger of being lost or destroyed, you'll discover the painting's name. Meanwhile, I'd keep the robe away from open flames if I were you, just in case those flames are prophetic.
Hope the soaking worked.
Whoa, these are all good!
Yes, Darla, same robe I thought lost and omens popped into my head that this robe isn't long for the world.
Christine...I am going to be making a painting called Blood Meridian...so 'it's strange that you suggested that title because Meridian is an unusual uncirculated word.
I'm going to make a post with this list of title ideas...
Hahaha! I would have loved to see you do a Lucille Ball with the paint. Lucille is the funniest woman who ever graced this earth, she was magnificent. And if anyone can do a Lucille, I have no doubt that you can be up there among the best of them, with your wonderful appetite for life and your million-ideas-a-minute brain (Grace from Will and Grace is also good at pulling the Ball).
I shan't even try to come up with a title because I am boring like that, but lately I have been enamoured with the word Levant, if you wish to incorporate it in there somewhere...
This suddenly came to me. Call the painting, "Trouble at the Hot Lunch Club".
I like the idea of not rinsing the robe - but gesso-ing it to a back and then painting the robe!
I opened the painting up big on my computer and studied for a long time - I said "what does this painting make me feel?" It makes me feel the city - the excitement, the movement, the dangers, and my eye keeps moving to the girl unlocking her door and I think of isolation within a cocoon of movement. Hmmmm....."Untouched" ????????????
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