I wasn't able to post any photos for the last couple of days...and these two of Chris Cornell (and me shamelessly in here too...hey I just wanted to see what we looked like together) I had intended to include in my list of rock singers yesterday. Stagg, my love, I let you watch America's Next Top Model with me, so I think it's okay for me to post a pic of me and Chris...if only I knew how to photoshop it here right now. Well, looks like blogger is letting me post photos again. Regis is all out of surgery yippee and doing fine. Hmm...I look like I might devour Cornell here. I suppose I shouldn't have said out loud that Stagg watches America's Next Top Model with me...ooops. Well, really it's just as funny that I admit I watch the show. Listen carefully. You might be able to hear the last thread of my dignity unraveling.

Nice Gibson SG, a ruling guitar!
LOL. I too watch Top Models - also the Tyra show when I can. True Confessions. Your photo reminds me of Garbo. Nice photo. I tried to do Thursday Thirteen with my daughter last night and we started - but someone has been messing with my computer, downloaded Internet 7 and when we went to fetch a photo of our favorite singer - the blog disappeared. Anyway, have a great day.
I don't know who Chris Cornell is. I've probably heard his music, so I would have to hear the song to associate with the artist.
He's kind of dishy though!!
Did you ever receive that Cornell interview page we sent you, where he lists the songs that influenced him?
ANTM rocks, though, doesn't it?
Chris Cornell should play Zorro in a film, he's got such a movie-star face! And that little 'tache he sports... oh my!
And you've got nothing to worry about pet: we're serious ANTM fans here too!
As for your picture, I see a young Bette Davis there. What do you reckon?
Was Chris Cornell playing a guitar in these photos?
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