What do some current issues say to hunter-gatherers and people who were here before the continent was "built".Below is an excerpt from Andre Banks blog about an African American perspective. I've been looking for a response to the notion of "who built this country" from Native Americans, but haven't found any never mind one. Let me know if you have seen such an article or essay. If you are shy of posting on my comments, please feel free to e mail me. candy.minx@gmail.com

"There is little question that the current immigration debate, though coded and contrived otherwise, is entirely about race. Yet, the framing made popular by immigrants and their advocates is so hostile to Black people and our American experience that it seems impossible for us to stake a claim with this movement. Today's immigrants will find that without Blacks, and a commitment to challenge racism beyond the reach of immigration policy alone, their movement will lose both its moral authority and the practical victory it hopes to achieve.

The language of today's movement directly evokes a painful history. Immigrants who laid claim in the past to this re-imagined American dream colluded with a system of racism that made the hope of health, safety and happiness an empty promise for Black people. Immigrants on the march today threaten to go the way of the Irish, the Italian and the Jewish: they may pay the price of the ticket for American citizenship by yielding to a racial hierarchy that leaves Blacks at the bottom.

Immigrants and their advocates have gained attention by evoking the narrative of hard-working immigrants making good in the land of opportunity - the American Dream redux - with its attendant contradictions and contrivances. With cries that 'immigrants built this country,' a favorite calling card, this burgeoning movement at once revoked the history of slaves and their descendants and obscured important truths about power, migration and social mobility in this country. For my great-grandmother, and generations of Black people in this country before and after her, this lie is worse than silence. It is a critical and strategic omission that adds Mexicans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans to the annals of American history while relegating Black people to its shadows.

The narrative of the immigrant as the symbol of hard work that leads to opportunity can mean nothing but alienation for Black people precisely because we know this myth is false. Without our labor - not immigrant labor, but slave labor - in the fields and on the march there would be no market brimming with wealth and economic opportunity, nor a tradition of civil and political rights readily available for appropriation and exploitation.

So, listening to the language of immigrant rights in 2006, a sensible Black person might respond with ambivalence. It is difficult to take the cause seriously, much less call it our own. Immigrant rights advocates have the potential to speak broadly, and Black people more than any other group might champion an extension of human rights denied to those on the margins. But instead we are displaced from this movement by coded messages that celebrate a history of anti-black racism. "

Racism n colour prejudice is still everywhere. Over here there are far fewer 'whites' who are racist now than, say, in the 60's or 70's etc. Everyone's up in arms 'cause out British National Party (the uk's largest 'racist' party) did well in local elections. It was a protest vote is all. The biggest racists in the UK are a certain section of the Asian community. You say that over here n you're the racist. How the hell we can sort it out when we can't even state the bloody obvious is beyond me. Hope you guys have better luck
Good to see that my post on the illegals has spurned more thoughtful commentary.
You are accurate about the debate being fueled by economy and politics...
Been helping and American friend straighten out the immigration details for his illegal girlfriend. I had an interesting time getting the info that he needed via the illegal community. Only one person would talk to me about it, mostly because he himself is no longer illegal. His theory on this annexation of illegals in America is strictly political. He feels that Bush is pushing the legislation through, so that the next Republican candidate will get the huge Hispanic vote. If that is the case, and his creepy brother, Jeb, gets the nomination I am moving my family to Mexico. I will not tolerate another 4-8 years of crap in my life. 'Nuff said.
Good luck on your humping. Looks like mine will be right after yours...I'll see about adding you to my blogroll...
Thank you for your perspective. It's looking more and more like Spike Lee's montages within Do The Right Thing Everybody seems to have hate for everybody. shouldn't that cancel out the hate...? There is another way to work all this out. You are correct to speak it out loud. We need to process this.
Hi Carnie, yes my blog pals always inspire me to think about what they write about.
For me this has been a challenge because I come at it from a slightly different perspective. I don't believe in race, skin colour, age, religion, gender...only one race, the human primate, homosapien. the details people bas etheir hate on are illusions. Environmental adaptations. We even start out in the womb as one gender.
We have "made up" all the rest, silly rabbits.
I am not kidding when I say the real divide among human primates is famring versus hunting gathering economies.
When we understand the FRAME or the grid...we can work all of these issues out.
What's the weather like in Xanadu?
Heh heh...Ah well, yes, I guess I do live in a dream world. I've heard that before. But I'm going to stick to my guns. Talking about the bullshit is better than pretending it makes sense how we live. I'm blonde whaddya expect?
I think it's pretty tough when one group of people is in aline up and then we realize we haven't even dealt with how long the queue really is...
but I agree with you Carnie that the idea of an hispanic voting population might help next set of Bushes...I wondered too about taxes for raising more money for war...and drafting legal new immigrants?
World needs more people like you Candy.
Well written post punctuated with beautiful pictures.
Situation now is different from the 19th century when slaves were brought for working in the huge farm lands, this was before mechanisation.
Now people are willing to become slaves. They are willing to swallow contempt, or hatred for a better life.
I'll give you an example which will hurt my Indian friends in the US
In India untouchables have led an opressed life for thousands of years. The society created such a class of citizens and kept them under their feet. denied them the oppertunity of education. Now after Independence (1947) Government is making sincere attempts to uplift the untouchables giving them incentives
'reservation' in schools colleges and government jobs. But the higher class wouldn't let them.
After thousands of years of opression they cannot copmete with the upper class. I always repeat, you can bring legislations but you can't legislate people's minds.
Now we have upperclass educated elite. they consider themselves superior to other races in India.
The same upper class elite, willingly migrate to western countries for more money and oppertunities and they don't mind being treated as untouchables or being treated as second class citizens. They willingly swallow contempt and hatred which they dished out to inferior races in their own country.
posted a comment Candy and it disappeared. so posted it again
Every tribe, nation, tongue, ethnicity was created by the same Creator. Imagine His fury that we are so prideful as to think ONE group is more preferred to Him than the other?
Thank you for your kind words in our valley of grief.
Rauf whew...I am sure your Indian friends in America won't like that but what an insight. Reminds me of that old Dylan song "Gotta Serve Somebody". Thank you for your kind words but thank you also for being brave and telling me what you think. In only a couple of months hanging out in blogs and it is humbling all the imagination, talent and intelligence we can find in each others blogs and photos.
I understand that I may sound like I'm in dreamland or Xanadu (great movie!) but I stand by my feelings that with invention and imagination come the personalities that believe before they can convince others. The system is all wrong, we worry about class, and immigrants, and racism...these are symptoms of a corrupt lifestyle based on prostituting food.
One of the reasons blogs and web boards are effective democratically is because we meet through ideas rather than on the illusion of our egos, bodies and skin.
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