Okay, well yes, it's true I met one of my heroes in literature tonight. I am so fucked over and excited about it it's right silly. Very pleased. As exciting as meeting William Burroughs. His play was awesome and challenging and tragic and funny as hell...and I'd love to see it on film. It starred Austin Pendleton and Freeman Coffey. The acting was incredible. I am going to go see it performed again and will be thinking about it for a long time. The actors were wonderful. They were so hardworking and engaging and just perfect.
I took the following half dozen photos just before my camera was confiscated. McCarthy sat RIGHT BEHIND us, right there behind Marc! I could see him in my periferal and it was hard to not think about him during the play.

Stagg, Deana and Marc.

Stagg and Deana.

Tom, Karen and Stagg.

Marc, Kinch, Kinch significant other.

(This is for Dr.K.)

Marty, Wes, Jay, Rick.

Sue, Diane, Rick.

A goof hanging on Jay and Rick.

Sue and Diane.

Marty, Wes, Jay and Rick.

Wes, Jay, Rick.
seemed to be getting a bit wobbly towards the end there candy, looked like a good night out!
many many thanks for your comments about my hump. meant a lot!
Uh, yeah, I was a little wobbly...but from excitement. I was trying to fit as many people in the photo as possible. UM, I did have a margerita though. A ginormous one...it must have been three margerita's into a 40 ounce glass. It was called a "jumbo margerita". American portions. HUGE.
I am sooo thrilled to see pics of the forum folks! If you see Rick again tell him I think he rocks - you can make that sound more intelligent if you like - and is very handsome... I am so envious, I wish I was there.
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